68组好莱坞电影青橙色达芬奇调色节点 这是一套由mononodes出品的灵感来自12部好莱坞电影大片的调色灵感制作的达芬奇调色节点,包含68组节点及用户指南,非常值得学习与借鉴,收藏备用!
i recently came across films like martin scorsese’s “shutter island” and “silence” which have what i call a “” look. so does “jurassic world” by colin trevorrow and “inglorious basterds” by quentin tarantino. it is a variation of the popular “teal & orange” look, but partly less saturated. sometimes it can look a bit like a “technicolor 2 strip”, but way less harsh than a true “technicolor 2 strip”, so i call the look “soft 2 strip”.
我最近看到了马丁·斯科塞斯的《禁闭岛》和《沉默》等电影,它们具有我所说的“soft 2 strip”外观。科林·特莱沃若的《侏罗纪世界》和昆汀·塔伦蒂诺的《无耻混蛋》也是如此。它是流行的“青色和橙色”外观的变体,但部分饱和度较低。有时它看起来有点像“technicolor 2 strip”,但比真正的“technicolor 2 strip”要温和得多,所以我将这种外观称为“soft 2 strip”。
there are also variations of “that look” … a warmer, redder version in “a quiet place” or in films like “dunkirk”, “iron man 2” and “skyfall” the colors tend to shift towards yellow. here are some references.
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