the voyager lut pro pack 这是一套价值129刀的附带17个用于达芬奇广色域的lut及调色节点,适用于制作和的外观,也广泛应用于广告以及网剧如 或 系列的流行外观,此为pro版本,包含luts及适配达芬奇的powergrades调色节点,非常值得学习与借鉴,收藏备用!
the voyager luts create beautiful studio-quality creative looks to help you grade faster so you can take your images further on every job and consistently deliver high-end work that can grow your career.
voyager lut 可创建漂亮的工作室品质创意外观,帮助您更快地分级,这样您就可以在每项工作中进一步提升您的图像,并始终如一地提供可以发展您的职业生涯的高端作品。
comes with 17 luts for use in davinci wide gamut, from film-style looks for narrative and documentaries to clean looks for commercials and modern looks for netflix or hbo series.
voyager lut pack 附带 17 个用于达芬奇广色域的 lut,从用于叙事和纪录片的电影风格外观到用于广告的干净外观以及用于 netflix 或 hbo 系列的现代外观。
even more, these luts are built with custom color science, not color correction tools, just like the luts used at major facilities by our industry’s best-known names. this means the looks won’t ever break and can help you achieve results you never could using only the tools in resolve.
更重要的是,这些 lut 是使用自定义色彩科学构建的,而不是色彩校正工具,就像我们行业最知名品牌在主要设施中使用的 lut 一样。这意味着外观永远不会破损,并且可以帮助您实现仅使用 resolve 中的工具无法实现的效果。
want even more creative freedom? grab the pro pack, which contains all 17 original voyager luts plus the components i used to design them.
pro pack,其中包含所有 17 个原始 voyager lut 以及用来设计它们的组件。
you’ll receive 24 tone and palette luts to create the exact look you want quickly and easily, as well as powergrades showing how these components were used to build the 17 luts in the voyager essential pack.
24 个色调和调色板 lut,以快速轻松地创建您想要的确切外观,以及 powergrades 显示如何使用这些组件构建 voyager essential 包中的 17 个 lut。
the voyager lut pro pack 视频介绍
the voyager lut pro pack 图文介绍
lut used: nelvana.
nelvana’s signature is its strong yet tasteful saturation, along with filmic contrast and color densities. much more than a simple emulation, it produces colors and and overall palette that a film system never could. works great on projects with lower saturation and/or color contrast in need of a strong boost.
nelvana 的标志是其强烈而雅致的饱和度,以及电影般的对比度和色彩密度。它不仅仅是一个简单的模拟,它还能产生电影系统永远无法产生的颜色和整体调色板。适用于需要强烈提升的较低饱和度和/或颜色对比度的项目。
lut used: valo. 使用的 lut:valo。
valo is one of two “contrast-only” looks in the essentials pack designed to minimally alter your image’s core characteristics. it imparts strong modern contrast with a moderate net increase in saturation, along with teal/gold split-toning. a great choice for commercials and documentary work in need of more true-to-life color reproduction.
valo 是 essentials pack 中两种“仅对比”外观之一,旨在最大限度地改变图像的核心特征。它赋予了强烈的现代对比和适度的饱和度净增加,以及蓝绿色/金色分离色调。需要更逼真的色彩再现的商业广告和纪录片作品的绝佳选择。
lut used: hypatia. 使用的 lut:hypatia。
hypatia is cambra’s evil twin (another lut inside the voyager pack.) it offers a completely different set of film-like aesthetics, but just as rich. its signatures include a print-like black point, dense foliage, and warm yellows. another great option for narrative fiction or doc work.
hypatia 是 cambra 的邪恶双胞胎(航海者包中的另一个 lut。)它提供了一套完全不同的电影般的美学,但同样丰富。它的标志性特征包括印花般的黑点、茂密的树叶和暖黄色。叙事小说或文档作品的另一个绝佳选择。
lut used: cerberus. 使用的 lut:cerberus。
cerberus is a medium-contrast look with cool accents, silvery highlights, and a subtly filmic color palette. great for fiction and non-fiction projects alike.
cerberus 是一种中等对比度的外观,带有冷色调、银色亮点和微妙的电影调色板。非常适合小说和非小说项目。
lut used: elora. 使用的 lut:elora。
elora is a versatile look with a subtle split-tone scheme and filmic density. it offers an “organic” feel that makes it as workable for commercial and tv work as for film projects.
elora 是一种多功能的外观,具有微妙的分色调方案和电影密度。它提供了一种“有机”的感觉,使其既适用于商业和电视作品,也适用于电影项目。
如何在final cut pro x中加载luts?
如何在premiere pro中加载luts?
mac 系统: /library/application support/adobe/common/luts
windows 系统: \program files\adobe\common\luts
拷贝 例如“log to rec709” luts到上述文件夹内.
如何在davinci resolve中加载luts?
mac 系统: macintosh hd/library/application support/blackmagic design/davinci resolve/lut
windows 系统: c:\programdata\blackmagic design\davinci resolve\support\lut
拷贝 例如“log to rec709” luts到上述文件夹内即可.