gamut marble lut 这是一套由gamut出品的flame films精心制作的高端,包含5组lut,灵感来自古典欧洲的柔和、温暖色调,这些lut外观给影片带来电影般的优雅感,十分推荐,非常值得学习与借鉴,收藏备用!‎‎‎

the marble lut collection was designed to bring polish, warmth, and poise to your films. in partnership with flame films, these five luts were crafted to create a palette that was inspired by the soft-tones and warmth of classical europe. these looks give your films a cinematic yet elegant feeling.
marble lut 系列旨在为您的电影带来优雅、温暖和平静。与 flame films 合作,精心制作了这五个 lut,以创建一个调色板,其灵感来自古典欧洲的柔和色调和温暖。这些外观给您的电影带来电影般的优雅感。

flame films is a husband and wife team passionate about capturing emotional love stories around the globe. julia and sebastian built their wedding film business in germany, and now bring their distinct style to the us. based in colorado, they create films with a cinematic feel, yet true-to-life colors and intentionally selected music. with a careful balance of aesthetics and storytelling, complemented by smooth dynamic camera movements, their films are unique time capsules.
flame films 是一对夫妻团队,热衷于捕捉全球各地的情感爱情故事。朱莉娅和塞巴斯蒂安在德国建立了他们的婚礼电影业务,现在将他们独特的风格带到了美国。他们的总部位于科罗拉多州,他们创作的电影具有电影般的感觉、逼真的色彩和精心挑选的音乐。他们的电影在美学和讲故事之间取得了精心的平衡,辅以流畅的动态摄像机运动,成为独特的时间胶囊。

适用系统:windows 和 mac 系统
支持软件:与sony vegas,premiere pro cc,after effects cc,fcpx,davinci resolve等兼容。

gamut marble lut 视频介绍

gamut marble lut 图文介绍

  • mood 情绪
    an elevated balance of moody contrast alongside pastel hues, for brightness.
  • environment 环境

    developed to highlight the hues of tuscany and sonoma, but ready for both soft and harsh light.

  • palette 调色板

    true to life colors, with emphasis on pastel notes and softer highlights.

works with log footage 适用于 log 素材

the marble lut collection is designed to be placed on top of rec.709 footage and adjusted from there to achieve the desired look, but these luts are also designed to work in tandem with our .
marble lut 系列设计为放置在 rec.709 素材之上,并从那里进行调整以实现所需的外观,但这些 lut 也设计为与我们的协同工作。

whether you are shooting in ,  , and more, marble luts will build off of any gamut  to provide powerful color in as little as one click. with properly balanced and exposed footage, these presets will allow you to create your own unique color that helps you stand out.
无论您是使用 、  等进行拍摄,marble lut 都将在任何色域基础上构建,只需单击一下即可提供强大的色彩。通过适当平衡和曝光的素材,这些预设将允许您创建自己独特的颜色,帮助您脱颖而出。

marble 01  

marble 01 represents the signature look, which gives creamy blush saturated tones to skin while producing beautiful greens, elegant clean whites, and a slight hint of peach. it ensures a harmony of colors for a beautiful, natural-looking complexion.
marble 01 代表了标志性外观,为肌肤带来奶油般的腮红饱和色调,同时产生美丽的绿色、优雅干净的白色和淡淡的桃色。它确保色彩和谐,打造美丽、自然的肤色。

marble 02 

the look of marble 02 is warm and earthy, with an emphasis on darker, muted hues. the result is cinematic and organic—with a hint of glitz. the colors are rich and deep, with greater contrast and true whites that emphasize textures.
marble 02 的外观温暖而朴实,强调深色、柔和的色调。其结果是电影般的、有机的——带有一丝浮华。颜色丰富而深沉,具有更大的对比度和强调纹理的纯白色。

marble 03 

marble 03 focuses on true-to-life colors that are clean, vibrant, and bright. the overall effect is fresh and modern, with a hint of sophistication. the colors are brilliant and vivid, offering excellent clarity, and darker—more striking—blacks for a greater contrast.
marble 03 注重干净、充满活力且明亮的逼真色彩。整体效果清新现代,带着一丝精致。色彩绚丽、生动,提供出色的清晰度,而更深(更引人注目)的黑色则具有更大的对比度。

marble 04 

this look is subtle and elegant, with a focus on pastel hues. create an atmosphere of grace and sophistication, the affect on color is soft and subtle, with a delicate hint of blush that gives the image a gentle touch. this look works particularly well in harsh lighting conditions, where the colors may otherwise appear faded or overly contrasted.

marble 05 

marble 05 is a black and white lut that is balanced to create a sense of harmony, with a subtle hint of warmth. caressing the highlights tone, it brings an almost film-inspired look that is reminiscent of the past.
marble 05 是一款黑白 lut,平衡营造和谐感,并带有一丝微妙的温暖感。抚摸高光色调,带来一种近乎电影风格的外观,让人回想起过去。

如何在final cut pro x中加载luts?




如何在premiere pro中加载luts?

mac 系统:  /library/application support/adobe/common/luts
windows 系统: \program files\adobe\common\luts
拷贝 例如“log to rec709” luts到上述文件夹内.

如何在davinci resolve中加载luts?

mac 系统: macintosh hd/library/application support/blackmagic design/davinci resolve/lut
windows 系统: c:\programdata\blackmagic design\davinci resolve\support\lut
拷贝 例如“log to rec709” luts到上述文件夹内即可.


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本站绝大部分的fcpx插件已制作成一键安装包,易于安装!详情查看 fcpx插件怎么安装? final cut pro x 插件安装教程

①首先重新启动一次fcpx,再打开下载的资源dmg文档,参考【插件位置】截图来找所安装的插件。 ②重启后如果还未找到,请参考: 检查是否成功安装插件,如果3个位置均为找到,则说明插件并未写入硬盘,安装未成功,请重试。

此问题的主要原因是所安装的插件和fcpx当前的版本不兼容,按如下排查: 第一:检查自己的fcpx版本和mac的系统版本是否符合插件要求(资源文章里有说明),未达到要求,请按要求升级fcpx或者mac系统,有些资源因为发布时间比较早,未提及是否兼容目前最新的fcpx版本,如fcpx 10.6.2 ,此时可咨询客服看是否兼容; 第二:出现红色警告提示的原因是未正常的安装插件,如某些插件需激活,此时仔细查看文件包,按说明完成安装,并重启fcpx! 第三:检查插件安装完毕后,插件包是否被移动或删除,如何查看安装是否到位参考如下: 第三:往往新发布的fcpx软件和新的mac系统,会导致插件不兼容,这里提醒大家,如果工作机切记延迟至少2个版本再升级,等插件与新的fcpx软件和系统适配再进行升级!经过不断努力,我们已经更新了大部分的支持新版fcpx 10.5.2和m1芯片的插件,可直接到此分区下载使用:




先打开【系统偏好设置】 -> 【安全与隐私】 -> 【通用】 选项卡,检查是否已经启用了【任何来源】选项。如果没有启用,先点击左下角的小黄锁图标解锁,然后选中【任何来源】。

打开【应用程序】 -> 【其它】 -> 【终端】,输入引号中的命令 “sudo spctl --master-disable” 并回车,输入您的系统密码(输入过程不显示字符),回车即可。

fcpx插件有部分是采用“一键拖放”的安装方法进行安装的,我们的插件文件包内一般包含了“effects → 特效/效果”,“generators → 发生器”,“transitions → 转场”,“titles → 标题/字幕”的快捷方式,但如果您想手动找到安装到了哪里?此时就需要找到这个【影片】的文件夹。跟着下面的操作方法,即可找到:



