luts预设 暮光之城永恒电影美学调色 这是一套由和合作基于twilight pack色调制作的暮光之城永恒电影美学调色lut预设,添加更深的阴影、更温暖的高光和不饱和的色调,让人想起您最喜欢的电影场景,极具故事感,非常值得学习与借鉴,收藏备用!
twilight luts are cinematic, cozy, timeless, and inspired by dawn’s love for twilight. these luts were crafted for the storyteller in all of us. when you use twilight luts, you will see an i mmediate transformation to your videos– adding those deeper shadows, warmer highlights, and desaturated hues reminiscent of your favorite movie scenes. it’s a bit like watching a story unfold in front of your eyes as you apply each adjustment—suddenly, your videos take on a cinematic character, creating an immersive atmosphere for the viewer.
《暮光之城 luts》具有电影感、温馨、永恒,其灵感源自 dawn 对《暮光之城》的热爱。这些 luts 是为我们所有人的故事讲述者而设计的。当您使用 twilight luts 时,您会看到一个立即转换您的视频 – 添加更深的阴影、更温暖的高光和不饱和的色调,让人想起您最喜欢的电影场景。这有点像在应用每次调整时观看一个故事在您眼前展开 – 突然,您的视频呈现出电影角色,为观看者营造身临其境的氛围。
if you’re looking for a timeless, cinematic aesthetic that brings out the story in every video you produce, while making the editing process faster, more creative, and consistently true to your unique style, twilight luts might be for you.
如果您正在寻找永恒的电影美学,在您制作的每个视频中展现故事,同时使编辑过程更快、更有创意,并始终忠于您的独特风格,《暮光之城 luts》可能适合您。
您将在此包中收到 11 个 lut 的集合:
twilight – 1 – lut
twilight – 2 – lut
twilight – 3 – lut
twilight – 4 – lut
twilight – 5 – lut
twilight – 6 – lut
twilight – 7 movie – lut
twilight – 8 movie – lut
twilight – 9 movie – lut
twilight – 10 bw – lut
twilight – 11 bw – lut
适用系统:windows 和 mac 系统
支持软件:与sony vegas,premiere pro cc,after effects cc,fcpx,davinci resolve等兼容。
luts预设 暮光之城永恒电影美学调色 视频介绍
luts预设 暮光之城永恒电影美学调色 图文介绍
如何在final cut pro x中加载luts?
如何在premiere pro中加载luts?
mac 系统: /library/application support/adobe/common/luts
windows 系统: \program files\adobe\common\luts
拷贝 例如“log to rec709” luts到上述文件夹内.
如何在davinci resolve中加载luts?
mac 系统: macintosh hd/library/application support/blackmagic design/davinci resolve/lut
windows 系统: c:\programdata\blackmagic design\davinci resolve\support\lut
拷贝 例如“log to rec709” luts到上述文件夹内即可.
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