不套用lut从零开始学习电影调色 这是一套来自出品的大师课程之不套用现成的电影模拟lut,从零开始,通过对电影胶片美学的认知进行电影调色,思路非常重要,是提升调色技能的绝佳课程,中英文字幕,值得学习!
so basically i spent the last 4 years on this website to teach you how to create film emulations and now i have a tutorial to explain you how to emulate film without using film emulations. how ironic, right? haha!
基本上,过去 4 年我在这个网站上教您如何创建电影模拟,现在我有一个教程来向您解释如何在不使用电影模拟的情况下模拟电影。多么讽刺啊,对吧?哈哈!
but first of all do not worry – i will carry on with creating film emulations and tell you guys all about it within the . spoiler alert: there’s an amazing new episode coming soon! secondly i think it’s still great to actually remind yourself what aesthetics you actually want to achieve when using all sorts of film emulation luts or dctls. no matter if these are film print emulations or negative emulations! and we will cover all of this today. and without profiling actual film, i will propose to you tools and techniques how to achieve these aesthetics. of course we’re not going for matching something 1:1 (matching 1:1 also with actual film emulations is very vague), but just aim to dial this aesthetics in however we think looks good! keep in mind that everybody also thinks of “film” a bit differently. that means what i would consider a “perfect” film emulation, may not be as perfect for someone else, because we all have some sort of “look” or “aesthetic” in mind when we hear the word “film” and this image in everyones mind may be completely different. so let’s start with some theory and research and afterwards i will show you all the tools (a ton of them) and techniques on how to do this in the video part below!
但首先别担心 – 我将继续创建电影模拟并在 。剧透警报:即将推出精彩的新剧集!其次,我认为在使用各种电影仿真 lut 或 dctl 时提醒自己实际想要实现的美学效果仍然很棒。无论这些是胶片打印模拟还是负片模拟!今天我们将介绍所有这些。在不分析实际电影的情况下,我将向您建议如何实现这些美学的工具和技术。当然,我们并不是要进行 1:1 匹配(将 1:1 与实际电影模拟匹配也是非常模糊的),但只是旨在将这种美学融入到我们认为看起来不错的效果中!请记住,每个人对“电影”的看法也略有不同。这意味着我认为“完美”的电影模拟对其他人来说可能并不那么完美,因为当我们听到“电影”这个词和这个图像时,我们心里都有某种“外观”或“美学”。每个人的想法可能完全不同。因此,让我们从一些理论和研究开始,然后我将在下面的视频部分中向您展示所有工具(大量)和技术,以了解如何做到这一点!